Start Your Events! From QR codes to vendors—
Glovahouse is here for all the days along the way.
  • Popular vendors:
  • Event Planners
  • DJ/Band
  • Makeup
Glovahouse Events

Event planning starts here

Welcome to Glova House, where sustainability meets simplicity in event management.
Discover categories

Find vendors for your events by categories

Our mission is to transform how events are organized, making them more eco-friendly, cost-effective, and hassle-free.

Event Planners

Discover top event planners.


Find pro photographers here.


Top videographers near you.

DJs and Bands

Book DJs and bands.


Find expert event caterers.

Beauty and Makeup

Top event makeup artists.

Get a customized page for your event

keep guests in-the-know

What we offer

Let's discover the best features of Glovahouse

QR codes with trusted vendors..

QR Codes

Get unique QR codes for seamless and engaging event experiences.

Authorised Vendors

Find trusted vendors for your events with ease and reliability.
4 easy steps

Check how Glovahouse works for your event

Step 1:
Create an

Create your account to access exclusive features and personalized services.

Step 2:
Pick a

Choose a template to customize your event page effortlessly & beautifully.

Step 3:

Upload event details to personalize your page for a unique touch.

Step 4:
QR Code

Generate a QR code for instant access to your personalized event page.
What Glovahouse offers

Make your event standout with Glovahouse

We are dedicated to helping our clients create memorable and impactful events that are both sustainable and seamless.
Committed to providing our customers with exceptional service.

Our vision is to be the leading provider of sustainable event solutions.


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What they’re saying about us

Trust score 4.5 (Based on 2,500 reviews)
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Approved Vendors

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Team Members

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Happy Customers

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